Friday, February 29, 2008

Get Yourself a Bad Boy!

You know the old saying that girls always go for the bad boys. i think it has basis. why do women always get stuck in a relationship and then they question themselves "how the fish did i get myself into this??" well, honey, you dove right into it. voluntarily!!!

somehow bad boys have this ability to charm you with their sweet nothings and then promise you the world. not to say you were stupid for falling prey to them, but it is the way they say it..they way they look into your eyes and make you feel like they can never lie. they way they put their arm around your shoulders, telling everyone "back off dude! she's mine". we all like that feeling huh? yeap...we've all been there..but it has never been a lesson to any of us.

i think the "bad boy" syndrome has taken over good guys as well. when good guys start to feel like they are neglected by womankind, they decide to become bad boys themselves just to stick their fingers into the honey jar..pathethic? maybe not. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. as sorry as it sounds, it's sorry-er when it doesnt work for the good guys. they can't lie, they don't cheat, they keep their promises and are always on time for dates. hmm..sounds like an ideal partner doensn't it? it is...but why do girls still end up with bad boys???

it's something called "The Ego of A Woman". (yeap, we have it too) . a woman always wants to feel like she is the one with the ultimate power to transform a bad boy into a sappy-sorry-pushover good guy. they want to be able to tell their friends "i whipped that one into shape" or "he only answers to me". well, girls...stop it. ur just insulting their intelligence. men do need discipline from time to time..but if you transform colin ferrell into clay aiken..tell me how long ur gonna stick around. we love bad boys..admit it. so once you get your head in, play it cool..u might just be the one he's looking for.

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