Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Self-proclaimed Non-Conformist, but not just yet.

Somehow, somewhere, sometime, we have all met and/or are going to meet people who have the "screw you" attitude. They say they don't care about what everyone else says, thinks or does. They live life according to their own terms. Or so they say.

The life of a non-conformist is not easy. It is in fact, one of the hardest things to be in a socialistic community, such as ours. People like boybands and chick flicks, so they say they like indie bands, or other bands you've never heard of and movies that are made with such a low budget that there are only 2 main characters. These non-conformists make you feel like an idiot. They claim to be special and they claim to be ultimately "different". But somehow, we admire them for having the balls to be different.

Being a realist myself, i'm just trying to figure out the possibility of someone being a complete non-comformist. He does not live according to any other rules or laws other than his own. The ultimate "fuck the world" type who doesn't give two cents about what other people think. It would be interesting to meet and have a chat with that person.

Come to think of it, is it really possible in a society like ours? We are dependent on each other and need each other in order to survive (Whoever said it was "every man for himself" was seriously piss drunk). Seriously, if a man was really living by his own principles without considering what others think, could he really be a part of this world and live peacefully? Let's take a look into our past. People who choose to live away from communities were labelled as hermits and some were even called witches and were burnt at the stake (btw, cauldrons are wicked cool). What about now? In our so-called modern and liberal times? People who do not choose to conform are shunned and ignored as the minority, even judged. Which ever way you put it, if you don't do it the way society wants you to do it, then someone's got an opinion about it and like it or not, it'll get to you.

Remember the high school teachers who told you to be different? Well, they had good words of wisdom, but they failed to tell us the price of being different. You see it all around you, artists producing "politically correct" pieces of artwork and selling out by coming up with "ideas" that they know would sell. Filmmakers bending over backwords just to get the approval of society so that their product would sell and they escape the banning of their work.

So, Self-Proclaimed Non-Conformist? Think. Again.
Sooner or later, we all fold.


Adderly Shaharudin said...

no matter how hard we try, it's hard not to pander to the people.

it's a sad fact, but true nonetheless.

Stephanie Morris said...

well said!

bella muerte said...

debate dah habis tau!?


WV: "cocan". Sth new? No more cocaine?

Ridhwan A. said...

Tau takpa! Debate dah habis!!

Aafin! i agree with the whole thing.

Stephanie Morris said...

Who says it's a debate text? hehe..

it's narative, not persuasive, ppl!

haih..takan tak learn anything for aida's class..dang!

bella muerte said...

I about sth yg silly keee..., funny ke......fav this and that kee....


Polep ah u ni!!

Polep- my WV.