No code/nicknames, no abbreviations or acronyms...just the simple, plain, blunt truth.
Dear Alief,
I don't quite appreciate you poking your nose into other people's businesses, namely; the debate club. I'm sorry, but you must have misunderstood somewhere that you have some sort of authority in the OUR club. Well, let me clear out the misconceptions;
1. You do not know what goes on in the club and whatever you hear from Pali or other people, may or may not be true and in this case, it isn't. The debate club is in no way in your jurisdiction and you have absolutely no right to judge who has the talent and who doesn't. That's my job, I should know, I trained them. And any logical person would know that just because one person has the talent, doesn't mean the other person is not talented.
2. Yati was not selected as a debater because she is trained to be an ADJUDICATOR (look it up). In a debate tournament, adjudicators don't normally moonlight as debaters because debating and adjudicating have two
different job prescriptions.
3. As a fellow debate club member, I can assure you that without Yati, the club would not have evolved into what it is now. All that PAPERWORK is what keeps us going and we have organized the club in such a way that debaters don't have to do the dirty work of filling up paperwork and dealing with the management. So she picks up our slack, she does the dirty work, sweats it out with the management and gets labelled "untalented". Well, there's appreciation for ya.
4. If you however wish to talk about this with me in person, I shall gladly entertain you because this is not how we are supposed to deal with it. Arguing through blogs is just childish. I'm writing this in my blog because this seems to be the method of communication that you understand best. So, in order to avoid more misunderstandings, I shall bow down to your level. By doing this, i might have sparked something bad, maybe jeopardized our friendship, but I'd like to think I know you a little bit better. I hope.
5. I sincerely feel that you owe an apology to Yati and whoever else you think you've offended.
Yours truly,
Aafina Zamil.