Tuesday, February 24, 2009

50, Overweight, with a Textbook in hand.


seriously, i've had enough of classes and books and tests. give me that damn degree already!!
tolonglaaaa..i feel like i'm gonna be 50 by the time i can afford my vacay to Paris. how la to score my hot Jean-Luc?

here's a few reasons why i think i should get that degree like, now!:

1. i think i've learnt enough about being teacher since we're learning the same thing over and over again every bloody semester. and they always say "ouh, it's more detailed this semester". sounds familiar?

2. it's gonna save a hell of a lot of moolah! namely ; 1. my parents' money, so they don't have to give me allowances anymore, and i can start making my own money. 2. The govt's money, so you don't to supply my ptptn anymore, and i can start paying back the money i owe the govt.

3. i'm already seriously malas nak sgt2 menyampah dah nak bgn pagi and pegi class! haih...enough is enough!

dah la...

i think that's abt it..



Zulfahmi said...

U got a point there

the laziness has become greater...

Looking forward to weekends

Stephanie Morris said...

of course i have a point..

who knows more about laziness than i do? heheh

bella muerte said...

I am totally with Aafin !

Bosan. Bosan. Bosan.