Wednesday, January 23, 2008

mime.half-hearted love.juice.

okay, so, linda, ridhwan and me have to perform something for literature class 2mrw. we have to mime. so, we chose britney's 'you drive me crazy', 'everytime' and 'toxic'. we watched this guy named josh doing it on youtube so we got the rough idea of it. kinda fun once we got the ball rolling and i sweated like hell! workout! yay! i haven't danced to a choreography in a while so i forgot how good it felt. yeah! damn good.

went to His place today. saw Him. making some stupid face because of something bad that happened between Him and his friends. i guess it should blow over soon. those boys have kindergarden children in their boxers, explains the not surprised! so maybe it's not love, maybe it's a relationship, a half-hearted relationship that we both get a kick out of. maybe we're just not ready to call it quits. well, i love a bit of drama and mystery in movies, why not have some in my life? seems fair enough.

latest juice: F got all hot and heavy with N and proved the ex-boyfriend so so wrong!! could it be love? but is there trouble boiling between F and his friends because of N's presence? we'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Stephanie Morris said...

We killed N !!
Reality Check N!
You aint all that!
We won!big time.