Sunday, October 26, 2008

Food for Thought 02

Inexplicably long lines.
Preposterous pricing for a mediocre product.
Bad music.
Pretentious interior design.
Self-important employees.
A founder who owns an NBA team and is laughing all the way to the bank -- at us.

Sorry, R. It's business. Nothing personal.


bella muerte said...


Get that Ridh!

Starbucks schmarbucks!

p/s: this word verification shit is suddenly fucked up la. Weird. Like ade org from blogspot saje buat palat kat sume org.

Wakakakakakaka.... funny though!

Zulfahmi said...

but Ridh made it so cool to lepak at starbucks...

so New York...

but I agree with the bad songs...

bella muerte said...

Pamie, something that you should know by now. Ridh makes everything New York-ish. It's his thing.

Makan karipap kat cafe level 4 tu pon boleh jadik so new york jugak, tau tak?


Ridhwan A. said...

hehe... we r trained 2 b self-absorbed. seriously, itz in our training program book!

at least i dun order "iced tall hazelnut tazo black basic tea" like certain people. seriously L, hazelnut and tea? LOL! next time try "double venti java green tea cream affrogato frappuccino blended cream!" memang tak penah dibuat org! eh. mcm cool pulak!

yup, Aafin. overpriced. but i know u luv rocky road! n u can get my discount. i can c u drooling! I know all the actual prices of all these crap! Korang mesti pengsan kalau tengok their "burn book" about the prices! the Jews just know how to get back to da whole world for the Holocaust! (pardon the anti-Semitic remark...)

yup. bad songs. suicidal!

n pami. u just luv da apple crumbles kan? hahah... with extra whipped cream n caramel drizzle. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!

Ah. NYC! wher u can b pokai in 3 secs cuz SBUX is in evry corner.

Stephanie Morris said...

R, was that a comment or a rebuttal? haha...bapak panjang!

anyways, starbucks or no starbucks, we can be fabulous wherever we want to!

Zulfahmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bella muerte said...


sedap bodoh tea dengan hazelnut syrup.


dah la tak reti tekan.


but i love u still.

Ridhwan A. said...

F, yup. its a rebuttal.

L, stil dun get hazelnut n tea. yuck!