Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Driving me Nuts!!

Currently, I have...

a cellphone i.e. calls and txts
a Facebook account
a Friendster account
a Myspace account
a blog
Yahoo! Messenger
MSN Messenger
a gazillion e-mail accounts (thanks to a certain someone), 2 of which I check on, sometimes.

Earlier today, I asked my friend..."why the hell haven't you called in such a long time?"

and he said..."Why the hell haven't you replied any of my e-mails and Friendster messages?"

so, now I'm in a dilemma, did I lose contact with him or did he?

What happened to the days of just having one phone and one e-mail for people to contact you..
I'm telling you, technology is driving me NUTsssooooO!!!

Wait till I get a Blackberry or a Sidekick...then we can all just forget about calling or texting each other because I wouldn't know where to begin...we'll just have to meet whenever we do..
Hey! that's like going back to the days when we didn't have technology, yeah, I'll just catch ya when I catch ya!



bella muerte said...

Or.. we can write letters again..

how cool is that???


Stephanie Morris said...

snail mail, yo!

Juliette said...

why dont u just depend on public telephone booth. it was dependable 20++ years ago...